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Kingshurst Primary School


At Kingshurst Primary we aim to give children a practical Science curriculum, which enables them to confidently explore and discover the world around them, resulting in a deeper understanding of the world they live in. They will achieve this by taking part in exciting, practical led experiences that encourage their curiosity and questioning. These stimulating and challenging experiences will help the children secure and extend both their scientific knowledge and vocabulary.

For more information please refer to the Kingshurst Primary School Science Policy and Subject on a Page:

We aim to develop both their skills and knowledge in Science via the following progression between Year groups:

At Kingshurst Primary school we follow the Engaging Science scheme of work. The scheme is designed to ensure that Science lessons are practical based, thought provoking and challenging.


The topics covered in each Year Group for the 2021/2022 academic year are:

Please find attached the 2021 Recovery Timetable for Science

Please find attached below the review of the remote work covered during the January/February 2021 lockdown.

'Creating a calm and positive atmosphere where everyone feels valued and respected'

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