Black History Month at Kingshurst
Throughout October, we will be looking at a range of influential people for Black History Month. We will look at the achievements and a range of quotes from both historic and modern day people. All children will participate in a range of activities and learning opportunities throughout the month.
- Person of the day – a focus on UK and modern figures making a difference to society.
- Collective Worship – an assembly focusing on black history and promoting talk about equality and rights.
- Stories that promote discussion about equality and representation
- PSHE - 'Same but different' A chance to reflect on ourselves and celebrating difference
Each year group will look at an influential figure in detail. The children will explore the importance of what that person did, how they impacted the world and then produce work such as biographies, artwork and drama pieces to reflect their learning. Work will be celebrated on class Dojo and a selection displayed in a central area in school.
Black History Month - Person of the Day

Black History Month Links and Resources
A large range of flashcards which share facts about different influential black people throughout history. BlackHistoryFlashcards-vol1-DigitalEdition (2)
BAME network has a wealth of resources and suggestions of books for children.
BBC offers lots of online resources to promote learning.
Time for Kids
TIME For Kids is a weekly classroom news magazine that encourages children to get reading. Their Black History Month section has articles on film, books, notable leaders and ordinary people who changed the world in an extraordinary way such as Rosa Parks.
Black History on the BBC
Children’s education series discussing the influence of black people on the world aimed at a primary school audience.
Education World
Ideas for teaching about Black History Month from the online resource.