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Kingshurst Primary School

Our Maths Recovery Information

Summer Term Recovery Information

Our Spring Term Recovery Curriculum

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This will be updated once when children make a full return to school. In the meantime, we are tracking work and engagement during periods of home learning.


Recovery Curriculum Spring 2021


In Mathematics, specific content was missed from the first lockdown period, leading to gaps in learning and stalled sequencing of journeys. By following the White Rose Schemes of learning, it is easy to identify missed learning from the previous year. This is being addressed by our recovery curriculum which aims to embed core concepts known as ‘ready to progress’ criteria using the DFE Mathematics Guidance (July 2020) alongside White Rose Mathematics schemes of learning. With this approach, we have the provision to support a blended curriculum so children can seamlessly continue learning at home. Units of work will develop fluency, reasoning and problem solving adding in recap lessons which allow the teachers to cover missed key objectives, in order for the children to progress through the new content.  

Classroom observations and drop ins during the Autumn Term show that lockdown has not affected their attitudes however they are quite simply, ‘behind’.  Recall of basic skills has suffered – children have reduced fluency in recalling number bonds and times tables. In KS2, some children have forgotten calculation strategies and written methods. Improving fluency will be a key priority upon return – online platforms have been introduced to support this.


  • Content highlighted in Yellow shows steps covered during the Spring Term lockdown period (lockdown learning) – engagement during this period has been tracked to support return to school planning.
  • Content in BOLD indicate Key Objectives in each Year group


When pupils make a full return we will use end of block assessments for each of the strands covered during the lockdown period. The purpose of these will be to monitor progress and check children’s understanding of the content. The assessments will identify any gaps in learning and check that children have grasped concepts at an appropriate level of depth. Outcomes will be used to inform next steps, teachers will use the DFE ready to progress criteria to ensure children are secure with core concepts.

We will:

  1. Avoid re-teaching entire  units or lessons
  2. Revisit, practise and refresh
  3. Ensure core concepts have weighted teaching time in order for children to make connections and develop a deeper understanding.
  4. Identify the most important conceptual knowledge and understanding (non-negotiables) that pupils need as they progress.


A three phased approach will be deployed to the teaching of Maths:

1) Whole School Approach

This will encompass the main maths curriculum upon return. For most pupils this will be sufficient to meet the aims set out in our recovery curriculum, although their journeys will happen over different time frames. Through QFT of activities and lessons planned, teachers will be able to identify those who need more support in their recovery which will lead to a more personalised response.


2) Personalised response

Where some pupils struggle to engage in the Maths curriculum, further intervention will be undertaken by school staff to enable their needs to be met. This will be in addition to the daily maths lesson.


3) Deep Recovery

This will be for pupils who have experienced a severe impact on their learning and development in Maths, 1:1 or small group specialist tuition will be arranged.


Our recovery information is shown below - this is updated and reviewed regularly.

Autumn Term Recovery Curriculum

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