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Kingshurst Primary School


Spelling at Kingshurst Primary School


Our Intent


We want pupils to acquire a wide vocabulary, a solid understanding of grammar and be able to spell new words by effectively applying the spelling patterns and rules they learn throughout their time in primary school. We want this acquisition of knowledge and skills to support their understanding of reading, writing and spoken language.



At Kingshurst Primary School, we follow the Spelling Shed Scheme. The focus of the programme is on the teaching of spelling, which embraces knowledge of spelling conventions – patterns and rules; but integral to the teaching is the opportunity to promote the learning of spellings, including statutory words, common exceptions and personal spellings. 


How to use Spelling Shed at home

EdShed Parent guide - Spelling Shed

If your child is using EdShed at school, this video will show you how to log into their account and access the games, assignments and challenges.

For more information on the spelling patterns and rules covered within each year group, click on the document below.


Statutory Word Lists

National Curriculum Spelling

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