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Kingshurst Primary School


Kingshurst Primary School is a nurturing & inclusive community; enabling children to aspire to be the best they can be.

A Warm Welcome From Our Headteacher


As Headteacher of Kingshurst Primary School, I am delighted to welcome you to our school’s main website. We are a large primary school based in North Solihull, catering for pupils from ages 3 – 11. Kingshurst Primary School is an inclusive and happy school where children are provided with an engaging curriculum as well as a wide variety of extra-curricular opportunities throughout their school life. We promote our school values; resilience, aspiration and respect through all that we do.


 We are fully committed to raising standards to ensure our children receive a high quality education. We are proud of our journey of school improvement and continue to strive for further success.


We provide a safe and stimulating environment for children to learn in and we expect mutual respect and understanding of the opinions, beliefs and abilities of others. We have high expectations of the behaviour and attitudes to learning of our children and we promote respect, high aspirations and resilience from the whole-school community as we embed our values through all that we do. We encourage children to have excellent attendance in order to make the best possible progress they can in both their academic and social and emotional development. We believe these things should be recognised and celebrated in a positive way.


We are incredibly proud of our sporting achievements here at Kingshurst Primary School and we work hard to ensure children have the opportunities to take part in as many different activities as possible. We have achieved the School Games Mark Gold award for many years as well as the Platinum award for 2022 and 2023.


We aim to work closely with parents and carers to ensure communication is as effective as possible and to enable parents to be involved in their children’s learning as well as celebrate their achievements and success.


The staff and children here at Kingshurst Primary School are extremely friendly and welcoming and we encourage visits to the school.


I hope that you enjoy your visit to our website and find it useful.


Mrs S Mitchell

Acting Headteacher

Our school hours are from 8.40am (Registration) to 3.10pm (End of day) - 32.5 hours per week. 

'Creating a calm and positive atmosphere where everyone feels valued and respected'

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