Lunch Menus and Snack Information
Welcome to our kitchen
Below you will find the weekly School Meal menus and information on Milk, Fruit and Toast provision in school.
Take a look at our All New School Lunch Menus - (3 weekly rotation). These are subject to change on occasions due to promotions or celebrations in school (Please note: From September '24, school meals cost £2.90 per day/£14.50 per week).
Keep an eye out for any forthcoming special lunch promotions or changes to the menu that will also be shown above.
It is essential that you inform us of any allergies your child may have, so that we can ensure they are not given anything that will harm them.
Eligible for Free School Meals? Here's how to Apply
If you feel that you are eligible for free school meals please complete a form by clicking on the following link on the SMBC website: (click the 'Apply for it' box, then schools)
If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact SMBC on 0121 704 6611.
Milk Provision in School - September 24
Fruit Scheme
You may have heard about the National Fruit Scheme for children between the ages of 4 and 6 years old. Under the scheme, each child will be entitled to receive a free piece of fruit each school day. Scientists agree that everybody, including children, can reduce their risk of heart disease and cancer by eating at least 5 portions of fruit and vegetables every day. On average, children in the UK currently eat only 2 portions a day.
Our school participates in this scheme, which reinforces our commitment to healthy eating. Your child will be offered ‘the fruit of the day’ at morning break.
If your child has sandwiches for lunch, please note the scheme is not intended to replace any fruit that you may normally include in your child’s packed lunch. The purpose of the scheme is to increase a child’s daily intake of fruit.
The aim is for the children to have a positive and enjoyable experience of fruit.
Toast Scheme
Reception to Year 6 children can have toast supplied at morning break-time each day at a cost of 30p per day.
If you would like your child to be part of the toast scheme, this must be paid for (for the whole half term, in full) by the beginning of each half term, online via Parentpay or by bar coded letter, which can be obtained from the school office.
If you require any further information about either the School Milk or Toast Schemes, simply call into school to see us.
PLEASE NOTE: Unfortunately, refunds will not be made for either of the schemes in the event of your child being absent from school.
Reminder - It is essential that you inform us of any allergies your child may have, so that we can ensure they are not given anything that will harm them.
If you have any questions, please contact the School.