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Kingshurst Primary School

Remote Learning Information

The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has resulted in an unprecedented challenge for our school system, and the traditional approach to delivering education. The impact of the pandemic has necessitated many pupils being out of school, and this will continue to be the case for some pupils, in line with legal requirements and guidance in place to tackle the virus. Kingshurst Primary School is responding to this with a strong and proactive commitment to providing remote education, in these challenging and uncertain circumstances. On the 1st October 2020 the Government published its document “Remote Education Good Practice” which set out the expectations for schools in the event of school closure, bubble closure or pupils self isolating. On this page you will find how Kingshurst Primary School is responding to these expectations. The children’s home learning can be accessed by clicking on the home learning tab from the home page or via link below.

Please click the link below to take you to the Remote Education 'Home Learning' Pages

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