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Kingshurst Primary School

Early Years Foundation Stage

Welcome to Kingshurst Early Years Foundation Stage


At Kingshurst Primary School we provide a broad, balanced and ambitious curriculum which addresses the children’s social, emotional, physical, intellectual, moral, spiritual and cultural development.


We provide children with a safe and stimulating environment where children flourish. We are committed to giving our children the best possible start to their school life, teaching them skills which ensure their well-being now and success in the future.


We pride ourselves on listening to children and those who care for them, using this information to personalise each child’s learning. Developing positive partnerships with parents and/or carers and other practitioners linked to supporting children in our Early Years.


Learning is fun and we strongly believe in a balance of play and more formal teaching. We value the importance of the outdoor environment to develop children’s thinking and problem solving skills through the characteristics of effective learning.


Every child is included and supported through equality of opportunity and anti-discriminatory practice. We carefully plan transition activities tailored to children’s individual needs so every child can transfer between year groups smoothly and confidently.


Our school core values Respect, Aspiration and Resilience thread through our practice alongside our Characteristics of Learning characters to support and encourage internal motivation and independence.

Are you looking for your child to start Nursery? Please contact us on 0121 788 6510 or email to arrange a visit

To apply for a Nursery and/or Reception place please click on the following link:  Admissions



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'Creating a calm and positive atmosphere where everyone feels valued and respected'

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