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Kingshurst Primary School


English at Kingshurst Primary School

Our English Intent


English is a core subject of the National Curriculum and a prerequisite for educational and social progress as it underpins the work undertaken in all other areas of the curriculum. The acquisition of the necessary knowledge and skills is of the utmost importance to everyone at Kingshurst Primary and therefore the teaching of all aspects of English is given a high priority within school. Confidence in basic language skills enables children to communicate creatively and imaginatively, preparing them for their future journey through education and beyond. We aim to:

  • Create a positive reading and writing culture in school, where both are promoted, enjoyed and considered a pleasure for all pupils
  • Ensure that every child becomes a reader, a writer and a confident speaker by the time they leave Kingshurst Primary School
  • Derive a flexible English curriculum that is sequenced to develop the acquisition of knowledge and skills.

'Creating a calm and positive atmosphere where everyone feels valued and respected'

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